Red Spot 15 Year Irish Whiskey is a smooth, complex blend of American Bourbon, Spanish sherry and Sicilian Marsala wine casks. Over 15 years of maturation gives this whiskey a unique flavor and makes it the pinnacle of the Red Spot range.
Red Spot 15 Year Irish Whiskey is an exquisite blend of Pot Still spices, cooked fruit, baked apple, mango, black cherry, hazelnut, and American Oak. It's further enhanced by the sweetness of Marsala-seasoned wine casks, spiciness of red pepper and black pepper, and a long, flavorful finish of fruits and spices. Enjoy this exquisite whiskey today!
Red Spot 15 Year Irish Whiskey
Red Spot 15 Year Irish Whiskey is a smooth, complex blend of American Bourbon, Spanish sherry and Sicilian Marsala wine casks. Over 15 years of maturation gives this whiskey a unique flavor and makes it the pinnacle of the Red Spot range.
Red Spot 15 Year Irish Whiskey is an exquisite blend of Pot Still spices, cooked fruit, baked apple, mango, black cherry, hazelnut, and American Oak. It's further enhanced by the sweetness of Marsala-seasoned wine casks, spiciness of red pepper and black pepper, and a long, flavorful finish of fruits and spices. Enjoy this exquisite whiskey today!