Kiuchi Umeshu Aged in Whisky Barrels is a unique spirit crafted by Kiuchi Brewery in Japan. This specialty drink combines traditional Japanese ingredients like Japanese plums with spirits distilled from grain, hops, coriander, and oranges.
What sets this umeshu apart is its aging process in whisky barrels. The aging imparts depth and complexity to the umeshu, infusing it with rich, nuanced flavors from the whisky barrels, such as oak, vanilla, and subtle smokiness. This creates a delightful fusion of Japanese tradition with influences from the world of whisky, resulting in a one-of-a-kind drinking experience.
Kiuchi Umeshu Aged in Whisky Barrels is a unique spirit crafted by Kiuchi Brewery in Japan. This specialty drink combines traditional Japanese ingredients like Japanese plums with spirits distilled from grain, hops, coriander, and oranges.
What sets this umeshu apart is its aging process in whisky barrels. The aging imparts depth and complexity to the umeshu, infusing it with rich, nuanced flavors from the whisky barrels, such as oak, vanilla, and subtle smokiness. This creates a delightful fusion of Japanese tradition with influences from the world of whisky, resulting in a one-of-a-kind drinking experience.