This ensamble is a blend of Espadín and Tobalá. Tobalá is known as king of the Magueys because of its uniqueness. The Agave itself is very different from most other varietals. It is physically smaller with drastically different leaves compared to Espadín. It also can only be reproduced through seeds, unlike most Agaves which can also produce offshoots. This makes Tobalá difficult to find and even harder to make into Mezcal since you need more of them compared to larger plants.
Agave Type: Angustifolia Haw/ Agave Potatorum
Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones
Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still
Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca
Los Siete Misterios Mezcal Espadin Tobala
This ensamble is a blend of Espadín and Tobalá. Tobalá is known as king of the Magueys because of its uniqueness. The Agave itself is very different from most other varietals. It is physically smaller with drastically different leaves compared to Espadín. It also can only be reproduced through seeds, unlike most Agaves which can also produce offshoots. This makes Tobalá difficult to find and even harder to make into Mezcal since you need more of them compared to larger plants.
Agave Type: Angustifolia Haw/ Agave Potatorum
Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones
Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still
Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca