Johnnie Walker Blue Label Elusive Umami is a unique whisky crafted by Michelin-starred chef Kei Kobayashi and Johnnie Walker master blender Emma Walker. With its intriguing name and special combination of aromas, this complex whisky is sure to create a memorable experience.
Savor the complexity of Johnnie Walker Blue Label's Elusive Umami blend, with its sweet & savory notes, and hints of smoke & fruit. Master chef Kobayashi crafted this distinctive whisky, creating a symphony of taste & aroma to tantalize your five senses.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Elusive Umami
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Elusive Umami is a unique whisky crafted by Michelin-starred chef Kei Kobayashi and Johnnie Walker master blender Emma Walker. With its intriguing name and special combination of aromas, this complex whisky is sure to create a memorable experience.
Savor the complexity of Johnnie Walker Blue Label's Elusive Umami blend, with its sweet & savory notes, and hints of smoke & fruit. Master chef Kobayashi crafted this distinctive whisky, creating a symphony of taste & aroma to tantalize your five senses.